5 Ways to Stay Safe Online

     In today's world where the use of Internet is almost unavoidable, it is very important to be security conscious. This is because everyone on the internet is there for a reason, these reasons may include Entertainment, Marketing, Sharing of Information and some others are there to spot loopholes and seize the opportunity to steal sensitive information like Credit Card details, Account Passwords and more.


        Consequently i have made available some simple to follow tips that'll guarantee your safety if properly adhered to.  People have lost huge amount of money and other valuables due to lapses on their part.

1. Use complicated, robust and strong Passwords

Passwords are crucial for your safety online. Try to create complex passwords which includes letters(Upper & Lower cases), numbers and special characters.

And for every account, be it social media or professional; keep a different password so that even if one account gets hacked, you’ll have others safe.

2. Ignore Suspicious calls, links and mails

Someone can pretend to be from a bank and ask for your bank account details, and card pin or even OTP, you should know that if you have issues with your account the only safe way to resolve it is by going to the bank. Banks do not demand sensitive information from customers over the phone or via email.

3. Avoid apps from unknown sources

 it is observed that most times we download or collect app from other peoples phones. this is a very dangerous thing to do because one common way hackers get info is by embedding keyloggers in various apps. These apps sends your activities to the coder unknowing to you. Only download apps from trusted websites and App Stores for your various devices.

4. Avoid Unverified online businesses

In the past years a large number of people lost their social accounts and hard earned money to people claiming to be online business people. These people comes to you with strange business proposals such as money doubling schemes. Let it be known to you there's no business that gives you double of your investment within a period of 30 minutes. 

5. Use Trusted Antivirus Software

Antivirus is a good way to keep you safe from malicious links, files, and apps but however if one installs any antivirus from unknown sources, this could also be detrimental because the antivirus software could also be manipulated to secretly steal you data.

There are a whole lot more ways to stay safe while staying online. Remember safety first.  

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